Explosion Bus (The world's last animated hope) premieres tonight, Sept. 13, at 8:30 PM EDT. It's a four-season, animated, online show, and you can see it only at
explosionbus.com. Created by Jonathan Katz, Tom Snyder, and Tom Leopold, the show features Boston and NY comedians who are effectively ambushed by the writers immediately before each recording session — they see their lines immediately before delivering them in the booth. Afterwards, Artistic Director Robert Keough and Artist Steve Davies create the
Explosion Bus world in Sketchy Vision™. And the rest is history!
Watch the Explosion Bus preview here!WICF performers Megan Goltermann (OBV!) and Misch Whitaker (Three Hole Punch) are featured as "Tanya" and "Katie," respectively. Of working with comedy legends and being "sketchified," Megan says, "Tanya is proof that if I was hot I'd be a bitch." When we asked Misch what she wanted her adoring fans to know, she told us, "I'm really excited to play a cartoon character after years of being told how much I resemble one."
Explosion Bus premieres tonight at 8:30 Eastern —
explosionbus.com. With Tom Snyder, Jonathan Katz, Tom Leopold, Misch Whitaker, Megan Goltermann, Chris Cook, Jonathan Wilson, Ahna Tessler, Jayson James and Dan Weber.
Misch Whitaker currently writes and performs on the mainstage cast at Improv Asylum in Boston. She is also a member of the all female improv troupe Three Hole Punch and the all-singing, (some-dancing) musical improv group Hidden Falls. She can be heard as the voice of Katie on the animated series Explosion Bus (
explosionbus.com). Misch recently cowrote the script for
Gorefest 9: MASSacre General Hospital which will debut this October at Improv Boston. She lives in Cambridge, MA in an apartment decorated almost exclusively with beach rocks and tea lights. Follow her online
@MischW on Twitter.
Megan Goltermann has been a cast member at ImprovBoston for eight years. After performing with
Friday Night Face-Off for five of them, she began directing the Ruckus sketch comedy show. Her voice can be heard as Tanya in the animated show Explosion Bus (
explosionbus.com) and as the gritty Corporal Cup in Fizzy's Lunch Lab (
lunchlab.net). She is currently co-writing and performing a two-woman show entitled
OBV! (Abbr. obviously!). When not on stage, she moonlights as a sculptor (
www.megangoltermann.com) and obsesses over whom to put on her apocalypse team.
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